Module of optoelectronic surveillance

SYCH M15 | M30

Optoelectronic surveillance module SYCH М15, М30 is designed for round-the-clock area monitoring, searching of static and moving targets, and determinations of distances to objects in difficult conditions of terrain and urban buildings. The module operates in two modes: automatic or manual search, detection of static targets and auto-tracking of moving targets, including thermal, using television and thermal modules, distance measurement and determination of their coordinates with the display of location on the area electronic map.

SYCH M15, M30 module is equipped with an optoelectronic unit that passively perceives electromagnetic radiation of surrounding objects in the ambient air surface environment in the visible optical (380–750nm), middle infrared (thermal imaging) ranges of electromagnetic waves (7–14 μm) and distance measurement channel with a built-in laser range finder (LRF), with a wavelength of 1550 nm.

SYCH М15, М30 is fixed on the pan-and-tilt platform mounted on the vehicle (or on a tripod in the case of portable use).

The module is controlled remotely from the tablet by an operator who is in a protected place. The tablet displays video from television and thermal modules, an area electronic map with an indication of the detected target‘s location (coordinates, distances), as well as the module‘s operation modes and parameters. All received data on the distance and coordinates of the detected targets are automatically saved and can be transmitted in real-time to the command post and fire systems.

Module’s fields of application are the detection of land, water and air type vehicles (including disguised), protection of special areas and territories, protection of critical infrastructure, security of command and support points, and remote monitoring of various threats.

  1. The detection of snipers and camouflaged optical surveillance devices
  2. Security of special zones and territories
  3. Protection of objects of critical infrastructure
  4. Organization of anti-terrorist activity
  5. Providing the security of command posts and strong points
  6. Remote monitoring of terrorist (sniper) threats
  1. Optoelectronic surveillance module SYCH M15, M30
  2. Pan-and-tilt platform
  3. Cables set
  4. Transportation box
  5. Rechargeable power supply – 2 pcs
  6. Tablet with installed software
  7. Mounting kit and tool
  8. Lifting device (mechanism)
  9. Charging device
  10. Tripod

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