optoelectronic modules

Kazhan series 3K10 | 3K15

Devices of KAZHAN series are multispectral optoelectronic devices intended for use as a part of surveillance, reconnaissance and fire control systems. The series is designed to record target environment, determine the range in natural and dimmed lighting, and detect objects and terrain thermal radiation. Depending on the model type, KAZHAN devices are used in stationary lookout stations; as a part of autonomous combat modules; on armored vehicles; as a part of shipboard surveillance and fire control systems.

KAZHAN series has several detection channels (1-3) in different spectral bands (visible and LWIR) and a rangefinder channel.

  1. Primary and secondary digital image processing
  2. Automatic target detection
  3. Target tracking
  4. Raw data recording
  5. Data transfer to a central observation post in digital and analog form

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